Tana-Chemie GmbH earns top score again in latest EcoVadis Rating
In the latest rating from the CSR rating agency EcoVadis, Tana-Chemie GmbH – the parent company of all Werner & Mertz Professional subsidiaries – once again received the Platinum medal in July 2024. That designation places Tana-Chemie among the most sustainable companies in the world as the best score is awarded to only 1 % of all companies assessed by EcoVadis within the past 12 months.
Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has become established as a provider of sustainability ratings for companies as it has grown into a global network of more than 130,000 assessed companies in 220 industries. In pursuing the goal of delivering reliable, internationally recognized assessments and insights that help companies to reduce risk, make continuous improvements and accelerate positive effects for the planet and society, EcoVadis examines how extensively a company has integrated sustainability principles and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in its business model. The assessment covers the company itself along with its guidelines and processes related to the supply chain.

The ratings are made in four medal classes of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The document review assessment examines a total of 21 indicators, each of which is assigned to one of the four major themes of Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. Only the companies that show convincing results in all areas have the chance to earn the best grade. Tana-Chemie achieved particularly high scores in Environment in the current assessment. EcoVadis made special mention of the general corporate environmental policy, including the circular economy, and the company’s use of recovered materials and packaging designed for easy dismantling and simple recycling.
With the Platinum award from the current assessment, Tana-Chemie has proof of its unrelenting efforts toward sustainability. “it makes us proud to receive the EcoVadis Platinum medal with the associated visibility and recognition for the extra mile we go at Werner & Mertz Professional every day as a sustainability pioneer in professional cleaning,” Thomas Ulbricht, Head of the Professional Division at Werner & Mertz, says happily. “The result of the current EcoVadis rating clearly shows that our unchanging adherence to the principles of the circular economy and the tenacious optimization of our own sustainable and social impact makes us a pioneer and pacesetter – even beyond our own industry.“
As a sustainability pioneer and socially responsible company, sustainability has been an integral part of Werner & Mertz Professional’s corporate culture for years. Proof of the holistic understanding of sustainability in the Professional Division has come in the form of certifications and awards over the past several years. Honors include certification by EMAS, the world’s most demanding environmental management system, and the sustainable building standard LEED Platinum for the Mainz headquarters. In 2013, the products from the Green Care Professional brand became the first worldwide professional cleaning agents to receive the Gold designation from the renowned Cradle to Cradle Cradle® Certification.
Together with its parent company Werner & Mertz, Tana-Chemie GmbH works within the Recyclate Initiative founded in 2012 to practice and promote effective recycling of plastic from post-consumer collections for the good of the circular economy. A new milestone was recently achieved when the share of recycled PET (rPET) from the Yellow Bag was increased to 75 % for the PET bottles of the Green Care Professional brand. In addition, Werner & Mertz, in cooperation with the global packaging and paper company Mondi, developed a fully recyclable, patented stand-up pouch made of mono-material (polyethylene) with a removable banderole according to the Cradle to Cradle® principles, which was awarded the prestigious WorldStar Packaging Award in 2020.