Green Care Professional
Our sustainable brand
Safe, effective, recyclable: Our Green Care Professional brand stands for high-quality cleaning products in harmony with nature. In our holistic interpretation of cleanliness, we see both the results of the cleaning process and the benefits from clean products for humans, animals and the environment. From this basic understanding, we developed our “circular” strategy. All of the materials used in the production of our Cradle to Cradle® certified assortment can be returned to the technical and biological cycles. From that we derived our slogan “A circular future”.
Ingredients for successful sustainability
We are living proof that sustainability and cleaning power are not mutually exclusive.
and qualityWhen used properly, our formulas and packaging are safe for people, nature and for biological and technical cycles.
Safe for humans
and the
environmentGreen Care Professional is a pioneer in a consistently practiced circular economy along the entire supply chain – from raw materials to packaging.
productsOur brand is a role model for sustainability paired with profitability. Behind Green Care Professional is a comprehensive and consistently practiced philosophy of sustainable management.
BusinessAs your strong partner, we offer you integral consulting and extensive, personalized service based on our decades of experience.

A credible green product can come only from a company that consistently pursues sustainability in everything it does. A company that reaffirms its environmental awareness, business acumen and social responsibility every single day.”