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SYSTEM oxybleach

SYSTEM oxybleach

Bleaching additive for laundry

Order numbers:
20 l
20 l
  • Stain remover
  • Bright whiteness
  • Low temperature

Product profile

  • The SYSTEM oxybleach formula based on hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid removes all types of colored stains and brightens white linen even at low temperature, resulting in lower energy and linen replacement expenditures.
  • When incorporated in the washing phase, SYSTEM oxybleach avoids the use of chlorine bleach, enhancing sustainability in professional laundry solutions and providing the desired bright white performance.
  • SYSTEM oxybleach is part of Ecolabel certified ECOMPLETE SYSTEM (DE/039/007) in combination with ACTIV liquid, SYSTEM alca and SOFT nature. 

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